Westgate Dutch Style Roundabout

Dan Rose on the Roundabout 4th Edition 22/07/2024

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather which finally appears to be returning to Chichester, certainly the city seems to be the busiest I’ve seen recently since my time joining the project. Perhaps this could be the introduction of the large Owl statues which seemed to have invaded out of nowhere throughout Chi’, my young family and I certainly had a lot of fun hunting them all down at the weekend! Anyway, I digress…

The Roundabout project has had a busy couple of weeks, lots of tasks achieved, lots of unforeseen items in the ground but ultimately and importantly, no time lost to the end date.

Since the last update, we have completed the vast majority of the surface water drainage pipework. This includes tapping into the existing drainage network in a few locations, and utilizing a manhole which had been buried in the roundabout for goodness knows how long (It was still operational and connected to the network).

All the kerbs from the existing roundabout footprint have now been removed, and in the coming weeks, you will see the new roundabout footprint be constructed with 2 rings of kerbs. From my perspective, this is the first real milestone that will be achieved in the project, as we will be able to see a little of what the finished product will look like on the ground, and not just what we see on drawings.

There have been 2 significant finds in the roundabout – not archaeologically speaking, but in regard to the project. I illuded to a culvert drainage channel underneath the existing road being uncovered in my last update. In the last fortnight, this has been confirmed as redundant, dug out and filled in with concrete to remove the risk of the new road structures’ integrity being compromised once complete. Furthermore, we also came across a soakaway which is believed to be from the late 1800’s, which fortunately, was not in the new road, and was able to leave in situ, filling it with shingle to ensure no sinkage in the roundabout.

Although the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), watch and brief is now concluded, we still paid our due diligence in ensuring that an archaeologist came to site and inspected these items before removing, digging out or backfilling. I will attach images of both to this update.

The CCTV/ANPR camera which stood tall on the Southeast of the roundabout has now been removed after being decommissioned back at the beginning of June. This was proving to become a real thorn in our side and we are grateful to have been able to remove it safely and efficiently one evening under a very short duration road closure (It took about 5 minutes).

In other news, our engagement with the local community remains an ongoing endeavour of mine, and we had the chance on the 18th of July to conduct a live tracking exercise with Stagecoach at Tangmere military airfield. This involved setting out the new roundabout in its entirety with traffic cones, and allowing Stagecoach to complete a drive through exercise to ensure that the planned analysis of the busses’ turning circles was indeed correct. They expressed particular concerns prior to the exercise, of busses turning out of West Street into Avenue De Chartres as it appeared to be tight on the drawings. However, the exercise proved that this was possible to do safely. (I even managed to have a go driving the bus and completed the turn a few times myself – so it can’t be that difficult!)

We are currently undertaking fortnightly meetings with West Sussex County Council with a particular focus on communications and how we are engaging with the community surrounding the project. Thus far the feedback has been very positive, and I would like to thank our Mildren and WSCC teams on facilitating the communications and maintaining the attitude that local residents are the most valuable stakeholders in this project, as we are working right on your doorstep.

As always, the door to my office is always open should any one wish to pop in for a chat and my contact details are at the bottom of this update.

Warm regards,

Dan Rose.

Site Manager – Mildren Construction LTD

E: Dan.Rose@mildrenconstruction.co.uk

T: 07584 259 075



Dan Rose on the Roundabout 3rd Edition 08/07/2024


Works are progressing nicely on the construction of the new Westgate Roundabout. Good progress has been made in the last fortnight and we are still currently on schedule to complete the works in early 2025 as planned.

Works complete in the last period:

  • Reduce dig. Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), watch and brief is now complete. While there were numerous archaeological finds throughout the reduce dig of the roundabout. These were all recorded by MOLA and removed once properly plotted. There were no finds deemed to be of historical significance during the works.
  • Commence with new surface water drainage. There is a new stormwater manhole which has now been constructed on the western side of the roundabout, ready to take the flow from new surface water gullies. We have conducted some investigation and cleaning works of the existing storm water drainage system, which we have utilised and connected in to.
  • Removal of kerbs from the existing roundabout.
  • Making safe a High Voltage cable which passes through the roundabout from East to West. This has been exposed carefully using vacuum excavation, backfilled around with sand and covered with tape to protect the cable from being damaged during our backfilling process and protect the longevity of the cable in situ.
  • Install new capping material to 90% of the area which has been dug.

We have uncovered a significant amount of tarmac to the south side of the roundabout – believed to have been the road which connected Westgate and West Street prior to the construction of the existing roundabout in the 1960’s. In a bid to reduce the amount of waste which we have to send to landfill, and reduce the new material being imported in to site, it has been agreed that this tarmac may be re-used in the new road construction, as the make up of the old road is of strong enough construction to re-use. This will help reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of the works greatly which is very good news!

Works in the next period include:

  • Installation of all pipework for new surface water drainage.
  • Installation of kerbs to the footprint of the new roundabout.

In other news – We have heard that the parents of Prebendal school are keen to participate in a cricket match against a Mildren Construction XI in the coming weeks. We will post an update on the website with details of the game, should anyone wish to watch the game and meet the team who work behind the scenes and make these works possible.

I would again like to thank everyone for their continued patience. We will continue to do all we can to minimise disruption and continue to communicate as best as possible with all stakeholders in the project.

Kind regards,

Dan Rose.

Site Manager – Mildren Construction LTD

E: Dan.Rose@mildrenconstruction.co.uk

T: 07584 259 075


Dan Rose on the Roundabout update 20/06/2024

Works on the roundabout are ongoing and progressing nicely. We have completed more than half of the ‘Cut and cap’ exercise which involves digging out the earth from the existing roundabout footprint and installing our capping layer underneath the location of the new carriageway. Works have been slightly slower than anticipated for a number of reasons, namely due to finding the remains of buildings which were demolished in the 1960’s and serving due course in ensuring that these remains were not of significant historical interest. We are still working with the Museum of London Archaeology under a watch and brief to ensure that nothing of historical interest is damaged or disturbed as a part of our works. Further to the archaeology, we have also uncovered several unchartered services such as redundant drainage which has had to be removed as it could have negatively impacted the performance of the completed road. To the east and the west of the roundabout dig, there is also a live low voltage electric trunk main which powers a substantial amount of the Chichester shopping district, which we are having to take great care working around not to damage it.

Works for the next fortnight include:

  • Completion of the cut and cap exercise.
  • Removal of the existing kerbs.
  • Commence with new surface water drainage

Many people may have noticed that the building remains that were in the east side of the roundabout have now been removed. Whilst regrettable to have to do, I would like to establish the following points:

  • The remains were of no historical significance, the buildings were estimated to have been built in the 1800’s or early 1900’s.
  • The remains removed were not Richard Gill’s residence.
  • The buildings were demolished and built over in the 1960’s as a part of the existing road construction.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have held very positive meetings with the West Walls and Westgate resident’s associations. The meetings were a good opportunity to put faces to names, answer concerns relating to the job, and engage with local stakeholders who are likely to be most affected by our works. We will continue to maintain an established line of contact with these stakeholders and look forward to strengthening what has begun as a good working relationship with them. I would like to thank them for their time and welcome any other residents to express their concerns or raise any questions with me as they have done.

Furthermore, as part of our public engagement and integration in the local community, we are currently trying to set up a cricket match between a Mildren Construction XI and the Prebendal School parents’ team. Watch this space for updates!


Dan Rose.

Site Manager – Mildren Construction LTD.

T: 07584 259 075

E: Dan.Rose@mildrenconstruction.co.uk


A note from Dan Rose, our site manager, on his role and on the archaeology:

Dan Rose on the roundabout


Progress pictures June 2024


The Works

Construction of a Dutch-style roundabout to replace the existing roundabout at the Westgate / Orchard Street (A286) / Avenue do Chartres (A286) / West Street junction, including improved non-motorised user provision throughout, narrowing of the circulatory carriageway to incorporate the perimeter 2m cycleway, removal/relocation of existing controlled crossings on the Orchard Street and Avenue de Chartres arms and realignment of the existing layby adjacent to the Chichester Inn.

Dutch Style Roundabout Website GA(2)

Dutch Style Roundabout Website GA(1)


November 2023 update

Following completion of the works at Westgate mini-roundabout and Sherborne Road, construction was due to commence at Westgate Orchard Street roundabout to deliver the planned ‘Dutch-style’ roundabout and associated highways improvements. During the statutory consultation period relating to the proposed works, it was identified a Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) was required in respect of the registered monument known as ‘Chichester City Walls, The Tower, Orchard Street, Chichester Scheduled Monument’. This consent is required to permit works in and around the SMC and if granted, specifies any constraints on the planned construction works.
The process to secure the SMC and associated Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) for archaeological monitoring during the construction phase is currently ongoing, and until granted, no works can start at the Westgate Orchard Street roundabout.

The works to deliver the proposed Dutch style roundabout at the Westgate Orchard Street junction have therefore been put on hold until March 2024, in order to ensure the SMC and associated WSI is approved and in place in respect of the delivery of the works, and to ensure the works can be delivered efficiently, effectively and with appropriate measures to protect and preserve the Scheduled Ancient Monument as required. Again, advanced warning of works starting at this location will be undertaken in due course.
It is expected at this time the works to complete the Westgate Orchard Street roundabout alongside the improvements to the existing carriageway block paving within Westgate itself will be completed by the end of 2024, however this is subject to grant of the SMC and any impacts arising from the archaeological watching brief. Completion of these works will conclude the overall package of works required to deliver the planning obligations on the Developer, providing improvements to the existing highway network surrounding the proposed development site at White House Farm.

Westgate updates - Finishing works

June 2024 Update – letter to residents 

Additional road works – Westgate and Sherborne Road


To Whom it may concern,

I am writing to inform you that we have some additional works upcoming in the area as a part of the West of Chichester scheme. These items are mainly snagging, and remedial works left from the first phase.

While the majority of the works remain non-disruptive, other than small areas of footpath closures. The works which are likely to cause the most disruption is the following:

  • Westgate southern footpath to the east of the mini roundabout – raising the footpath drainage gully, raising kerbs to prevent ponding, lowering the tactile pavers on the zebra crossing – 25/06/24 for 3 days.
  • Westgate mini roundabout (General) – Plane out and resurface all footpath areas where there are scars and temporary tarmac from the electrical installation for the zebra crossing beacons – 01/07/24 for 2 days.
  • Sherborne Road, micro trenching from the junction of Oak Avenue to the nearest lamp column to the south. This will involve trenching across the driveway entrances of no’s 80, 78 and 76 Sherborne Road. We will always maintain access to driveways and ensure the works are temporarily reinstated once works are complete – 28/06/2024 for 1 day
  • Sherborne Road, plane out and resurface footways surrounding 2 new zebra crossings, by Dunford Close and Oak Avenue, again, the works near Oak Avenue will involve tarmac laying to the driveway entrance of 80, 78 and 76 Sherborne Road – 03/07/2024 for 1 day

I apologise in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause, we will do our upmost to ensure that we minimise disruption. If you wish to discuss any of these works further, please contact me – my details will be at the foot of this letter. We will inform you with as much notice as possible should these dates above change for any reason.

Kind regards,

Dan Rose.

Site Manager – Mildren Construction LTD.

T: 07584 259 075

E: Dan.Rose@mildrenconstruction.co.uk


May 2024 Update 

Significant progress has been made, whereby Clay Lane 278 works is complete and is in the auditing stage. Sherbourne Road is complete and awaiting auditors to carry out surveys and reports – there may be additional works required after auditors their complete reports and further updates can be provided at this stage.


November 2023 Update 

Works are nearing completion, with only minor works to complete roadmarkings, footways and final signage to be completed. It is anticipated works will be concluded by the end of November 2023.

Due to delays in electrical connections to be undertaken to provide the belisha beacons at the new controlled crossings, the works to deliver the final crossings will be completed at a later date. Until the works to provide connections to the beacons can be completed, the white lining including ‘zebra’ crossing markings will not be installed, and only dropped kerbs and tactile paving will be provided. This is necessary to ensure the safety of users at the proposed crossings. Works to complete the final crossings will be minor and short-term, and advanced notification of works recommencing at tthese areas will be undertaken in due course to all those likely to be affected.


The Works

Pedestrian and cycle improvements at the existing mini-roundabout junction of Sherborne Road and Westgate, including introduction of new uncontrolled pedestrian crossings across the western and southern arms, and new parallel crossings across the northern and eastern arms. Works will include pavement reconstruction, new street lighting, adaptations, and improvements to drainage, resurfacing of existing carriageways, renewal of traffic signs & vehicle restraint barrier.

Works to renew and relay the existing block paving to offer a better and safer route for cyclists. Improvements to the road narrowing stand outs to make safer for cyclists. Minor safety improvements to uncontrolled junction crossings for pedestrians – installing tactile paving slabs.

Improvements to the existing cycle bypass points from the western end of Westgate to Tannery Close together with remedial works to the existing block paviours in the area of The Narrows up to Orchard Street Roundabout. The Westgate / Orchard Street Dutch Style Roundabout works are to be completed in advance of the block paviours works.


Westgate_Sherbourne Roundabout Website GA

Westgate Pavement repair website GA(2)

Westgate Pavement repair website GA(1)


Clay Lane and Fishbourne Road - works complete

Construction of a priority junction to the proposed development site and Clay Lane and, Junction alterations at the existing junction of Clay Lane with Fishbourne Road East, including narrowing of the existing junction bellmouth, and associated footway and cycleway improvements.

Clay Lane_Fishbourne Website GA

Clay Lane Junction Website GA

Sherbourne Road - works complete

November 2023 Update 

Works are nearing completion, with only minor works to complete roadmarkings, footways and final signage to be completed. It is anticipated works will be concluded by the end of November 2023.

Due to delays in electrical connections to be undertaken to provide the belisha beacons at the new controlled crossings, the works to deliver the final crossings will be completed at a later date. Until the works to provide connections to the beacons can be completed, the white lining including ‘zebra’ crossing markings will not be installed, and only dropped kerbs and tactile paving will be provided. This is necessary to ensure the safety of users at the proposed crossings. Works to complete the final crossings will be minor and short-term, and advanced notification of works recommencing at these areas will be undertaken in due course to all those likely to be affected.


The Works

Traffic management works on Sherborne Road, including renewing carriageway markings, introduction of gateway features and carriageway roundels, two new Zebra crossings, two new min-roundabouts and a new uncontrolled crossing and road narrowing. Works will include pavement reconstruction, new street lighting, adaptations, and improvements to drainage, resurfacing of existing carriageways and new traffic signs.

Sherbourne Road Website GA reduced