Westgate Dutch Style Roundabout

The first Dutch roundabout to be built in the UK (Cambridge) shown above.

Phase 1 will entail reducing the size of the existing roundabout. This work will begin on 3rd June 2024 with the project due to complete early in 2025.

Phase 1 Westgate Roundabout minimise

Phase 2 comprises removal of existing approach islands to the roundabout to enable lane space. This phase will follow on from phase 1.

Phase 3 entails work on each of the new approaches, section by section.

Phase 4 will entail resurfacing and re-lining under full closure at night, 9pm – 6am.

As part of the roundabout project we are also installing a controlled pedestrian crossing on Avenue de Chartres.

All works will be carried out under close archaeological supervision as well as ecological supervision. The tree on the existing roundabout will be protected.

Sherborne Road - works complete

Current works

Night works on Sherborne Road are due to start Thursday 2nd November 2023. These night works will partially close sections of Sherborne Road at the following locations between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00.

Oliver Whitby Rd & Oak Ave, Newland Ln Junction and Neville Rd junction in the following sequence:

o Thursday 02/11/23 – Newland Ln Junction closure and diversion (see SR-TM-001)
o Friday 03/11/23 to Tuesday 07/11/23 – Neville Road and Oliver Whitby Rd/Oak Ave closure and diversion (see SR-TM-002)
o Wednesday 08/11/23 – Newland Ln Junction closure and diversion (see SR-TM-001)

During this time access will be maintained to properties along Sherborne Road, but we will have teams working up and down the road refreshing the road markings. These night works will allow us to safely cold mill and relay surfacing of the road.

July to September 2023

Works on Sherborne Road are due to commence July 2023, and will take place over the next 28 weeks. Most work is minor and will require 2-way or 3-way temporary traffic lights which we shall setup and move as we work our way from the North to the South of Sherborne Road. For the main section of work, which is to install a new zebra crossing by the shops on Oliver Whitby Road, this will require 4-way lights, these will be in place for around 6 weeks due to start mid-August 2023. Lastly, the new Zebra crossing being installed outside Parklands Community Primary School will be undertaken using 2-way lights and during school holidays due to start late-July for 3 weeks. Towards the end of this section of work, there will be some minor road closures to enable road re-surfacing & white line painting – dates & details to be published in due course.

Westgate/Sherborne Roundabout - works complete

Current works

Night works on the mini roundabout are due to start Monday 30/10/23 and last for 4 nights. The roundabout will be fully closed for the safety of the workforce between the hours of 20:00 & 06:00 with a suitable diversion route established. During these closures, we’ll be cold milling and relaying the surfacing on the roundabout and painting the new road markings. Access will be maintained to properties on Sherbourne road and Westgate Road, and we will have teams working up and down each road installing new signs & cycle defenders. There will be no through access between Sherbourne to Westgate & the link to the A259 and the diversion route must be followed, this diversion route and closure details can be found in WGSR-TM-001, WGSR-TM-002 and WGSR-TM-003

July to September 2023

Works on the Westgate/Sherborne Roundabout are due to commence July 2023, and will take place over the next 16 weeks. Due to the impact to local schools and colleges, this work will be undertaken during off-peak hours & over the school holidays. These works will require road closures and traffic lights as detailed below:

    • Road closure on link road from 24/07/23 to 03/09/23 – Link Road closed full time.
    • Off-Peak Traffic lights from 04/09/23 to section completion – Link Road closed between 08:30 and 14:00.
    • At the end of this section of work there will be 5 nights of complete closure to enable resurfacing & white line painting to be undertaken safely. Dates & Details to be confirmed.

Please see attached diversion route during closure of link road (both off-peak & full closure):


Westgate Roundabout - works complete

The works

Works on the Westgate Roundabout will begin around March 2024 – or after the Westgate/Sherborne Mini Roundabout is completed – starting with widening & forming the new inside lane to the roundabout, these works will take place on the roundabout and will not impose any traffic management restrictions during daytime/normal working hours. There will be some night closures to lay new surfacing to the widening – details to be confirmed closer to the date. While widening the roundabout, we will also be working on Avenue De Chartres to install a new zebra crossing, these works will require a lane closure. The lane closure will move the merge-in-turn area south of the College junction.

As we work on each leg of the roundabout, traffic will be free flowing, with no positive traffic management on the road. As we’ll only be doing disruptive work on a single leg at any one time, a full pedestrian route will be maintained on all other legs of the roundabout. Towards the end of the section, there will be around 4-weeks of partial night time closures to enable the installation of new splitter islands and to undertake road resurfacing & white line painting. More details shall be published closer to the start date for this section of works.

Westgate Road - works complete

We will be starting site clearance on Westgate Road July 2023 for 3 weeks under two way lights. The main works on the Westgate Road will commence around October 2023, and will begin with renewing the traffic calming narrow stand outs. Works will progress down towards the main roundabout. All works will be under standard two-way temporary traffic light setups. Towards to the end of this section of works, the approach to Westgate roundabout will be made 1-way for around 6 weeks; this is due to the Eastern end of Westgate Road being too narrow for traffic management to be safely installed. More details shall be published closer to the start date for this section of works.

Clay Lane & Fishbourne Road

The works on Clay Lane & Fishbourne Road are still in the planning phases. Progress is being made with Network Rail to ensure that work can be completed safely due to proximity with a level crossing. Once approved by Network Rail, temporary traffic lights will be used to provide lane closures to undertake works. More details shall be published closer to the start date for this section of works.