Project Complete
Phase 1
Works will take place between the outfall at Lott’s Store and Bittles Farm, and in East St to the north. The objective is to provide enough capacity in the ditch to minimise the risk of flooding to properties, the highway and critical infrastructure.
What will Phase 1 include?
- Lotts Store to Hook Vinney (Chestnut Meadow) – This will involve re-profiling of the ditch along the east boundary and upgrading the culverts along its length, including beneath the property lower field entrance;
- Hook Vinney to Bury Lodge Cottages and in the field opposite past the sewage pumping station – This will involve substantial ditch widening, blockage clearing and upgrading culverts beneath property driveways;
- Bittles Farm – This will involve changing the re-alignment of the Hambledon stream along a new-cut ditch with a new culverts laid beneath the stables access tracks and driveways.