Guildford Park Road, Enabling Works
Welcome to our first Newsletter to tell you about our works. We will publish updates every 2 weeks, and as work progresses will include photos.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please note; any dates given are subject to change as per the construction programme
Outline of Works
- Drainage (surface water and foul)
- Construction of brick clad concrete retaining walls
- Installation of below ground services
- Forming of new roads and footways
- Reinforced earth bank retention
Progress to Date
- Tree felling along Guildford Park Church Road and adjacent to Guildford Park Avenue
- Establish site compound
- Commence preparation work for service diversions
Works Next Two Weeks
- Continue Tree felling
- Complete temporary footpaths to Southside of Guildford Park Church Road
Start installation of new ducting to North side of Guildford Park Church Road and within main site compound.
Click the below image for a PDF.