Project Complete
Mildren Construction Limited is committed to pollution prevention and protection of the environment; identifying, monitoring and managing environmentally significant activities and where possible, contribute to the protection and enhancement of surrounding environments. As part of the commitment to environmental leadership the company will:
- Promote a culture of environmental responsibility and environmental improvement through effective leadership, communication and training.
- Comply with relevant environmental legislation, client and other requirements applicable to our work.
- Assess the environmental impact of our operations during planning, design and construction phases so as to prevent pollution, destruction or disturbance of the external environment.
- Maintain and improve our management systems to ensure they remain registered as meeting the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001.
- Conduct regular reviews to monitor performance, set objectives and targets, investigate all incidents and strive for continuous improvement.
- Incorporate the principles of environmental sustainability into our design and construction practices and encourage clients to adopt similar principles.
- Encourage the use of environmentally sustainable materials and environment allow impact technologies.
- Uphold the 3R’s waste principle, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, in all relevant business activities.
- Optimise our use and consumption of natural resources, including fuels, water and raw materials.
- Promote these environmental principles to our supply chain and encourage environmental product lifecycle philosophy.